Let's talk about Georgian cuisine. Whether you like barbecue, bathe, satsivi, khinkali, khachapuri chakhokhbili? If you've ever tried these dishes, then surely some of these melodious names of the mouth itself is filled with saliva. And here is whether the same reaction the name of the famous Georgian soup harcho? Chances are that your mind's eye is a plate of rice and potato soup, a little "painted over" tomato paste, all of which belong to the Georgian cuisine defines a fair amount of red pepper. Special appetite product submitted is. But this only means that this harcho you have not tried! Sweet, spicy and nourishing soup harcho firmly winning the hearts of consumers, and the recipe for its preparation does not need to go to Georgia. MirSovetov invites you to arrange your home a Georgian restaurant at home, and make one of the variants of the famous soup.
It should be noted that in speaking of Georgian cuisine, you can not imply strict recipes main dishes, which are clearly shared by all residents. Kitchen eastern Georgia is different from the kitchens of West Georgia, in every region of the country can boast of their choice is preparing a main dish. And, of course, everyone thinks this is the recipe for the most correct, and the finished dish very tasty. But they are all good in their own way: and chakhokhbili chicken and turkey chakhokhbili, and soup with shechamandy cornel and soup shechamandy with lavash. Kharcho also has many variations, which will be discussed below, but the basic soup recipe remains the same in all regions of Georgia.
Kharcho soup with beef - products
* 400 grams of beef on the bone;
* 2-3 onions;
* 4 tablespoons of rice;
* 400-500 grams of ripe red tomatoes;
* Herbs (parsley and dill necessarily, cilantro to taste);
* Spices;
* Garlic clove.
Products for cooking soup harcho
Harcho Soup Beef - Cooking
A few words about the choice of meat. We tend to think that most "Caucasian" meat is lamb. However, in Georgia is more commonly used beef and poultry. That's better to choose kharcho piece of fresh beef fat on the bone. Separate the meat from the bones and we clean from plenochek. Then, across the grain cut into neat little pieces. In a pot capacity of 2-2.5 liters we shift the meat, fill it with cold water and set on fire.
In a pot capacity of 2-2.5 liters we shift the meat, fill it with cold water and set on fire
When the water boils, carefully remove the foam diminishes the fire so that the water in the pan slightly pobulkivala, and leave to cook for an hour and a half. Cover the pan does not close for 30 minutes before end of cooking in the broth can be put back celery or parsley and season with salt broth to taste.
If for some reason you missed the right moment, and the foam settled on the bottom of the pan, add a glass of cold water and make a strong fire. When the water became colder again to boil, foam rises to the surface again, and you can easily collect it.
Once the broth is cooked, strain it, remove the bones and meat. Meanwhile, finely cut onion and fry it in oil on low heat so that the bow remains soft. When the onions will become a golden color, spread for him boiled meat with onion and fry for about 5 minutes.
When the onions will become a golden color, spread for him boiled meat with onion and fry for about 5 minutes
After that, reduce the flame, add to the pan a couple of tablespoons of broth (or water), cover with a lid and simmer another 15 minutes.
Also allowed an option: from the broth extracted bone and meat is boiling for some time, until soft and not fried with onions. But in this case, the soup tastes much simpler, because additional quenching meat with onions gives the soup a unique flavor and taste. Alternative preparation of soup without stewing meat is better used for cooking kharcho variations with different additives.
While the meat stew, prepare the tomatoes. Tomatoes are replaced by the word tomato paste, but then again, if you can use fresh tomatoes, be sure to use it. So, my tomatoes are doing top notch shallow criss-cross. Fold them into a bowl and pour boiling water so that water covered the vegetables.
My tomatoes are doing top notch shallow crosswise, add them in a bowl and pour boiling water so that water covered the vegetables
A minute later the water is drained and easy to clean the tomatoes from the skin. Prepared in this manner tomatoes cut into cubes or slices - if desired. Then we spread the chopped tomatoes to the meat and onions, stir and simmer, covered for approximately 10 minutes.
We spread the chopped tomatoes to the meat and onions, stir and simmer, covered for approximately 10 minutes
Then lay out a stew with vegetables in a broth, which is again at the plate and is about to boil. As soon as the seasoned broth to boil, put it in Fig.
You can take a round figure, you can long grain, but in no case be crushed cereal. Also avoid parboiled rice - Take care of it for pilaf.
After boiling for 5 minutes (again, we lessen the fire to medium), lay in pan spices. It is best to use hops-suneli, basil, bay leaf, allspice couple of peas. For sharpness, you can use red pepper or a little piece of hot peppers bitter - most importantly, do not get carried away!
Georgian cuisine features an abundance of spices that are used during the preparation of the first and second courses. Of course, the most popular of these is the hops-suneli also widely used and such spices: coriander (cilantro), tarragon, saffron, basil and many others. The red peppers, contrary to popular accounts, is used very sparingly, and all combinations of spices are not aimed at giving visual dish, and the creation of an aromatic effect.
At the very least, just a few minutes before the end of cooking, put the crushed garlic, chopped parsley, dill and cilantro.
Pa a few minutes before the end of cooking, put the crushed garlic, chopped parsley, dill and coriander
Remember that the cilantro has a very specific taste, which many disliked, and if you have not tried this pot, place it in a pan, and sprinkle over the soup before serving.
Allow the soup to infuse under cover at least an hour and serve with lavash or bread, the more so towards the end of cooking smells stunning and fill the house twice to call home for lunch is hardly necessary.
Allow the soup to infuse under cover at least an hour and serve with lavash bread or
MirSovetov today tell you about the basic recipe for making soup harcho beef. If you like this soup, then you can further diversify its taste, while adding to the soup with herbs or chopped plum sauce tkemali (the most famous version of cooking kharcho). We can put together with rice crushed walnuts - so the soup is cooked kharcho in many areas of Georgia. Broth can be made from chicken or turkey. It is important to remember only the preparation technology and the order of favorites products. Experiment and enjoy your meal!
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