For this recipe you will need:
- beetroot - 100g
- sprouts - 60g
- carrots - 20 g
- Parsley - 5g
- Onions - 20g
- tomato puree - 15g
- flour - 5g
- table margarine - 10g
- Sugar - 5g
- vinegar 3% - 8g
- sour cream - 10g
- bay leaves - to taste
- pepper, herbs - to taste.
Beets, cut into strips or slices, put out in a closed pot with the addition of fat, tomato puree, sugar. To preserve the color of beets (depending on condition), you can add 2-3 grams of vinegar. To beet is not burnt, it is stirred, as required by pouring broth or water.
Simmer the beets need to first on high heat, and when the beets and boil settles, heating and reduce support only a slight boil. Mature beet stew for 30-40 minutes,
young 10-15 minutes. In pot of boiling broth to put fresh cabbage, bring the contents of the boiler to a boil, add the stewed beet, browned roots and onions and simmer soup for 20-30 minutes. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking soup to fill the white sauce, put the spices (bay leaf, pepper), salt.
Beetroot soup with sauerkraut cook the same, but cabbage stew with pre-fat. Cabbage overcome, but if it is very sour, and then rinse in cold water, put in a pot, add oil, a little broth or water to cabbage is burnt, then pot lid and simmer for 1.5-2.5 hours.
To give the proper color borscht, beet extract is prepared. To do this, well washed potatoes to beets finely chop or grate, place in bowl of hot broth (1 liter per 500 g of sugar beet), add vinegar, sour kvass or brine from pickled vegetables and bring to boil. Then the infusion stand on board plate for 15-20 minutes, then drain. Before serving in a bowl with soup add one tablespoon of tincture or pour the required amount to the pot before serving borscht.
See more:
Russian cuisine - the national peculiarities
Russian cookery: Russian soup