Russian cuisine - the national peculiarities

Russian cooking distinctive and unique. Like every other national cuisine, it has developed under the influence of various environmental, social, economic and historical factors. The main feature of Russian cuisine is the abundance and variety of products used for cooking.
Since ancient times, Russian people were engaged in arable farming, cultivated rye, barley, wheat, oats, millet, ahead of many other nations of Europe and Asia, they discovered the secret of making dough.
That is why Russian cooking is characterized by an abundance of baked goods: all kinds of cakes and pies, pie, rolls, donuts, shanezhek, pies, fritters, pancakes, juice, etc.
A more modest place is the product of unleavened dough. From it are preparing mostly dumplings, pancake pies, dumplings, pancakes, noodles.

In addition to products made of flour, for the traditional Russian cuisine is characterized by a wide range of dishes from different cereals: cereal, casseroles, Krupenik. And the Russian national cuisine for many centuries of its developmentmanaged to create a wonderful combination of large samples of other products, vegetables, milk, cheese, eggs, fish, etc.The abundance of Russian cooking cold vegetable appetizers, first and second courses that use vegetables, - proof that in Russia since ancient times engaged in cultivation, not only grain but also garden crops.
Among them, one of the highest in importance is cabbage. Although cabbage is first mentioned in chronicles in XI - XII centuries., In Russia it was known and was used much earlier, and particularly widely used to prepare various snacks, first and second dishes, fillings for pies.
No less popular vegetables in Rus byli.repa, turnips and radishes, with dishes from the last retained their popularity to this day.
Over time, the Russian national cooking became widely used, and other types of vegetables - squash, zucchini, eggplant, lettuce. In the XVIII century. became particularly popular in potato, in the XIX century. - Tomatoes. Along with the vegetables and fruits are grown, especially apples and pears, which are used for making kvass and canning. It should be noted this characteristic of the Russian table, according to your taste wonderful snacks as pickled apples.
Along with arable farming Russian people engaged in cattle breeding, hunting and fishing, so that from ancient times they had eaten the meat of cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, poultry - geese, chickens, ducks, game birds. Characteristic of Russian cuisine and the use of animal products - milk, cheese, cream, and especially the sour cream.
The most important condition of the Russian national cooking wide range of products are the natural resources. Vast forests were a source game (grouse, hares, wild ducks and geese, grouse), and other gifts of nature: mushrooms, honey, nuts, cranberries, lingonberries.
The abundance of rivers, both internal and external reservoirs that are rich in all kinds of fish allowed to create a large number of recipes for fish dishes and appetizers as fresh, dried, salted and smoked fish.
The second distinguishing feature of Russian national cooking is a variety of methods of cooking foods. Of these, the most widely used boiling, braising, roasting and baking.
Along with the Russian people have long used different techniques: frying in deep fat (voltage) on the lattice, a spit, a frying pan.
Great influence on the heat-treated products had a special kitchen fireplace - a Russian stove, which has existed for nearly four thousand years. The reason for longevity Russian stove in its universality. Russian stove heated their home, it prepared the food, bake bread, brewed beer and kvass, dried food and clothing and even bathed.Russian oven dish demanded the creation of a special form at the beginning of ceramic (Slavic pots), and then the metal (cast iron). The fact that the dishes in it heated up more at the sides, so she must have had a big edge. In addition, this form of the dishes make it easier to remove from the oven stag and tongs. Cooked in the Russian oven dish different special taste and aroma.
Russian stove defined and unique techniques roasting geese, ducks, chickens, pigs - carcasses and meat - large pieces, bake ham entirely and others.
Starting from the XVIII century. Russian stove is beginning to give way to fire the stove and pot - naplitnoy dish. Nevertheless, in many places it has been preserved to this day.Currently, the cooking of the Russian national cuisine, are successfully used traditional methods of heat treatment. Daily soup, cabbage soup Neva, olio (spirits) are prepared in clay pots in Ovens.
Especially tasty are obtained cooked in the oven and broiler buckwheat groats, millet porridge with milk and pumpkin, vegetable casseroles, Krupenik, bream baked with buckwheat porridge, meat balls, baked in sour cream, thistle, Moscow borsch.
Finally, the third feature of Russian cooking is that, using a variety of products, popular chefs have created a whole group of unique dishes brought to our national cuisine deserved reputation throughout the world. This is a baked dough product, products from cereals and fish. None of the kitchen world is not such a wide variety of fish, meat and vegetable snacks and cold dishes. Incidentally, the Russian word "snack" well established and in some foreign cuisines.
From ancient times until today remained extremely wide range of first courses, in particular, filling soup (soup, soup, pickle, thistle, etc.). Ing alone in Russian cuisine, there are over 60 species. Among them are sour soup with meat, fish, goloviznoy, mushrooms, smelt, daily soup, lazy, green soup, soup of nettles with beef, etc.Significant place in Russian cuisine is also occupied by a variety of borscht (Moscow, Leningrad, borsch with mushrooms and prunes, Siberian borsch, etc.), fish and meat soups, fish soup, etc. It is extremely unique and a group of cold soups to mouth and beetroot broth: hash, beetroot, botvinya.
For Russian cuisine dishes are also characteristic of by-products - gels, dish of liver, tongue, kidneys, the use of spices such as parsley, dill, bay leaf, onion, garlic, celery, horseradish and mustard.Of sweet dishes and drinks distributed jelly, mostly dense, compotes, kvass, fruit drinks and some others.Of course, Russian cooking did not develop in isolation. At its formation influenced extensive contacts and cultural exchanges between Russia and other nations.
So, thanks to trade with the Byzantine Empire in Russian cooking came spices, rice, spices, buckwheat. Greatly influenced by the western Slavs, from which the Russian cooking crossed zrazy, borscht, cabbage rolls and other dishes from the eastern neighbor - tea and dumplings.
With the advent of the epoch of Peter I of the new kind of focus and naplitnoy dishes in Russian cooking has expanded assortment of dishes, fried in a pan (steaks, splints, schnitzel), which were brought to Russia from Germany and Holland. In the XIX century. on Russian cuisine has had a significant influence French cuisine, which have been borrowed from a variety of sauces, clear broth, puff pastry.At the same time, Russian cooking has had a significant influence on the development of European cuisine. Suffice it to say that in France, began to use Russian snacks, Russian consistency of meals and more.
It should also be emphasized that, to borrow dishes, the Russian people used the technology of their preparation, and so many dishes have acquired our own special taste and distinctive flavors. That is why Russian cooking has always been and remains a unique and original.Speaking about the peculiarities of Russian cuisine, it should be noted that it can not be divided into ancient and modern.
In the process of historical development, changing diets, new foods, new foods. This is particularly evident in our country. Relatively recently appeared potatoes and tomatoes are well positioned in the Russian cuisine. Without them is unthinkable now preparing many dishes.Through the development of food industry, development of new fishing grounds, increase in production of agricultural products and livestock products, the introduction of refrigeration range of dishes of Russian cooking has grown considerably.
Now it is difficult to imagine cooking without Russian sprats and sardines, stuffed peppers and green peas, hot dogs and sausages that are the basis of many dishes or include them as an integral part. At the same time are gone forever malopitatelnye dishes whose names are preserved only in the literature (Tyurya, grout, nurse).
Example table layout of Russian cooking.The right of the plate usually put a knife blade to the side plates, and next to him, but from the outside have a spoon with the left hand cymbals - a fork. Have a dessert spoon in front of the plate, and slightly to the right of it - a glass or a glass of water.
Starched linen napkins put on a plate or the right of it - under the knife and spoon. Sometimes, a knife with a fork wrapped in a separate cloth.Wine glasses and wine glasses are usually put in a line in front of the plate, but slightly to the right. The number and size of glasses and wine glasses depends on the supply of drinks. On the left front plate for snacks should be placed a small bowl of salad. So better lay for two hours before guests arrive, so you can finish all the preparations and a little rest.In order for bread is not dried out, cut it just before serving. A fruit before the arrival of the guests do not set up.In the center of the table should be placed a bowl, as well as a carafe with a drink or water, the salt and spice jars.
Along with this table setting for Russian cooking should be such that the hostess to the hot plates and the change did not spring up from the table in order to bring the missing items and spices.
If the festive table prepared several kinds of wine, for example red and white, then they should apply in the following order: the fish and fruit - chilled white wine with meat dishes - red at room temperature. Bottles must first uncorking, not to engage in picking cork in the presence of guests. But in any case should not have put an opened bottle.

See more:
Borsch green
Borscht in Russian

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