Shish kebab of mutton

Shish kebab of mutton

It is unlikely that there is a person who has never sat around a campfire with the rotisserie in hand. How many people - so many ways to cook barbecue. Shish kebab made from lamb, pork, chicken, liver, fish ...

Here's one recipe of Shish kebab of mutton:

1/2 kg of mutton, it is desirable that the pieces were a little fat, pieces of 6-8 heads of onions, is very well suited red, 1 kg of tomatoes, greens, lemons.

Mutton best kidney or back, cut into small pieces, salt and pepper, add 3 heads of finely chopped onion, fold in a dish, not the metal, take a couple of spoons of weak vinegar, best wine, white, pour on the meat. Then cut into slices Three lemons and put them on the meat. Hands "trample down" the lamb so that the juice is gone. Then put on top of the load and leave for two to three hours.
Then take the chopped tomatoes into large chunks and onions. Slide the meat on Shish kebab, alternating with vegetables, and cook on the coals.

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