Simple recipe of meat okroshka
For preparation of meat okroshka, the following ingredients will be necessary for you:
- beef of boiled 100 g
- cucumbers of 1-2 pieces.
- onions of green 50 g
- eggs boiled 2 pieces.
- sour cream of 4 tablespoons
- kvass of 1 l
- greens of fennel of 30 g
- sugar of 10 g
- mustard of 5 g
- salt
Okroshka cooking method:
Cut beef and cucumbers straws.
Chop part of onions and pound it with salt before emergence of juice, add mustard. Separate a yolk from white, pound a yolk, and chop white straws. Connect kvass to salt and sugar, mix.
Connect the prepared ingredients, add part of sour cream, mix. Part with kvass.
Serve okroshka with small cut greens and sour cream.
One more recipe of meat okroshka on kvass
Okroshka classical on kvass:
Ingredients for preparation of okroshka:
- Beef – 100-200 гр.
- Kvass – 500 ml.
- Radish – 100 гр.
- Fennel
- Onions some feathers
- Parsley
- Salt to taste.

Classical okroshka on kvass prepares from potatoes, a garden radish, cucumbers and boiled beef. To make such okroshka first of all it is necessary to boil beef. While meat cooks, make vegetables. Wash a radish and cucumbers under flowing water, and cut in their cubes. Also wash onions and parsley and crush them.
Cut the cooked meat straws and shift in a deep bowl. Add to it the crushed cucumbers, a radish, onions and greens. After that it is possible to fill in vegetables and meat with kvass. It is desirable to use kvass cooled, matured before it some hours in the refrigerator.
Fill in vegetables with cold kvass, once again mix okroshka and salt it to taste. At desire it is possible to add the favourite spices, for example, black pepper.
Meat okroshka on kvass with chicken
- Chicken fillet – 200 гр.
- Kvass – 400 ml.
- Eggs – 1 piece.
- Parsley
- Cucumbers – 1-3 pieces.
- Potatoes – 2-3 pieces.
- Salt
- Black pepper ground

Meat okroshka on kvass is considered one of the most widespread and popular.
For preparation of meat okroshka it is best of all to use low-fat meat, for example, meat of chicken, rabbit flesh or young beef. In this recipe chicken fillet is used. Boil potatoes and chicken fillet, and then cut in cubes.
Crush cucumbers and parsley. Add to meat and potatoes.
Then fill in these ingredients with kvass. Salt okroshka and mix. Before giving put a half of egg in a plate.
How to make okroshka on kvass with meat, let's consider in this step-by-step recipe.
The most traditional dish of Russian cuisine – okroshka on kvass. Who will refuse in the hot summer afternoon a bowl with cold okroshka? Especially, if it with fresh young cucumbers, young potatoes and fresh greens.
There are many options of preparation of this cold summer soup.
Someone cooks okroshka on kefir, someone on a brine, but, generally all cook okroshka on the Russian kvass.
Kvass is a grain drink which turns out by a sbrazhivaniye. Sometimes add to kvass for sharpness a horse-radish. As the main ingredients at okroshka surely there are fresh cucumbers and a radish, the rest - at will.
Very often hostesses for simplicity and a sytnost add boiled sausage to okroshka. But, in Russia boiled sausage appeared quite recently. Therefore, in traditional Russian okroshka nevertheless it is better to use boiled meat. As obligatory dressing for summer okroshka fresh sour cream is, as a rule, used.
- Potatoes of-3-4 medium pieces
- Eggs – 4 pieces.
- Radish – 6-7 pieces.
- Cucumbers – 2 pieces.
- Meat boiled – 150 g
- Kvass – 1 l.
- Sour cream – 70 g.
- Fennel greens – a big bunch
- Green onions – 2-3 branches
Meat okroshka on kvass – the recipe
Meat okroshka on kvass - the step-by-step recipe with a photo
In advance boil a piece of beef. It is possible to use soup meat from a borsch, for example. It will be tasty. Boil also potatoes "in a uniform" and eggs. Cool potatoes and eggs.
Cut boiled cold meat across fibers, then divide into small cubes.

At a radish cut off tails and petioles, cut small in cubes.

Prepare a big bowl for okroshka. Put the cut meat and a garden radish in this bowl.
At first cut cucumbers lengthways on four-five plastics. Cut each plastic several times lengthways, and then across. At you small cubes will turn out.

Shift cucumbers in a bowl with meat and a radish.
Cut ringlets green onions.

Chop fennel.
Peel potatoes of a skin and cut in cubes.
Too shell eggs and also cut in cubes.

Put all cut ingredients in one big bowl and mix.

Further, some hostesses fill in all with kvass, salt and add sour cream and greens, and already then spill on plates. I prefer that everyone "cooked" the okroshka in the plate. The matter is that someone loves okroshka more densely, someone is more liquid. Someone doesn't love salty okroshka, and someone, on the contrary, likes to add some salt. Put okroshechny mix in a plate and already in a plate fill in it with kvass, salt to the taste and add sour cream and greens.

Your individual meat okroshka on kvass is ready. Believe, taste of such okroshka in each plate though is a little, but differs.

Now you know how to make meat okroshka and at you everything will turn out.