Everyone who works in the garden, knows how important not only to collect, but to save all grown up, to the last carrot! Or at least use. After all, there is always a non-standard specimens collected vegetables - small, crooked or slightly damaged during excavation. Keep such products is difficult, and throw - sorry. Here is useful recipe for borscht from banks - blanks for the winter. It was borscht, because the workpiece has all the ingredients except the potato borscht. Boiled soup of this piece quickly, has excellent taste, different saturated color and flavor.
Harvesting of borscht locked in half-liter bottles. Obtained from each of two, two and a half liters of ready-made borscht for a few minutes. Cooking time depends on whether you add the potatoes or not, the degree of comminution and the time needed to cook it.
For the preparation of 6 half-liter jars of borscht will need:
1 kg of cabbage. You can use the surplus of summer cabbage, which can not be stored for a long time and curing is not used.
0.5 kg of carrots. Fit and fine, and cut off at the exhumation and that which was sown in early spring or winter for a year of use.
0.5 kg of onions. Use the one you discarded for some reason.
0.8 kg of brown tomatoes, ripe bruising or even green.
0.5 kg of pepper Bulgarian red or yellow, even if it is small or crooked.
0.8 kg of beet. Use the roots are not only good, but small, damaged, or planted in early spring for summer use.
100-125 ml of sunflower oil, refined and deodorized better, but it is a matter of taste.
50-60 ml of vinegar, apple cider is better, but will approach a normal table.
2.5 tablespoons of sugar.
2.5 tablespoons of salt.
Spices to taste - dill, parsley, celery, parsnips, pimento peppers.
You can replace some of the vegetables of your choice. For example, instead of 1 / 3 of the tomato (about 200 g) to take the sour apples, Bulgarian pepper substitute equal amounts of beets and carrots, add a spicy hot pepper in small quantities.
Spices add the vegetable mixture at the end of cooking, but so that they cook for 10-15 minutes.
All vegetables should be washed well to remove the damaged areas of pepper - seed chambers, the cabbage - stalk. Carrots, beets, onions and cleaned.
For a given amount of vegetables you will need a pot of approximately 5.5-6 liters, 6 half-liter bottles and the same caps for canning, bottling knife.
Shred cabbage, tomatoes, onion, chopped pepper, carrots and grate the beets. Place all the vegetables into the prepared pan, add vegetable oil, vinegar, salt, sugar and stir. Place the pot with the prepared vegetables on the stove and bring to boil. Adjust the boil, stirring occasionally contents of the saucepan and do other things for 45-50 minutes. For example, prepare the jars - Wash and sterilize them in one way available to you:
1. scald them with boiling water;
2. ignited in the preheated oven for 10-15 minutes;
3. hold the jars turned upside down, on a lattice over the steam.
In the same way draw sterilized lids for rolling.
After 45-50 minutes the contents of the pots lay in a jar, roll covers. After rolling to turn the jar lid for tightness seaming. Jars can wrap up the cooling, but, as experience shows, this is not a mandatory procedure.
Jars of borscht enough for the preparation of 2-2.5 liters of the first course. In a saucepan with water or broth 2.3 lower cut potato strips or cubes. When the potatoes are cooked, lay out the contents of the jars, stir, bring to a boil and ... - bon appetit! Soup cans obtained from saturated, aromatic and delicious. Serve the soup can with sour cream, mustard and garlic.