Chocolate cake filled with raspberry or pineapple

For the dough:
4 egg yolks + 2 eggs
1.5 cups of sugar
1.5 cups of flour
1 packet of vanilla sugar

For the chocolate cream:
50 g of cocoa
500 g of sugar
250 grams of milk powder
3/4 cup milk
1 packet of vanilla sugar
350 g butter

For the raspberry cream:
500 g fresh raspberries
150 g butter
1 cup sugar

Egg yolks, beat the eggs and sugar until fluffy white mass. Then, pour the flour and vanilla sugar. Gently mix the dough down and bake in a 4 identical cakes. For this we need to take a big iron sheet, brush it with butter, sprinkle with flour and a thin layer evenly with batter. Bake until light golden brown. Finished cakes cool.

Two greased cake with chocolate cream, apply one to the other and top with raspberry cream. The third oil cake with chocolate cream on one side and this side put on raspberry cream cake on top again smear chocolate cream and put it on the fourth cake. Fanerku top put on it - a small weight, and put the cake in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Then remove fanerku and the entire cake top and sides with chocolate cream coat with heated and then cool without taking cold.

To prepare the chocolate cream Pour the sugar and cocoa in a saucepan, stir, pour the boiling milk, put on fire and stir, boil the mixture until the sugar is dissolved. Then pour the milk and screenable, continuing to cook everything well mixed. Then remove from heat, cool for 5-10 minutes and mix with butter, adding small pieces and rubbing. Then add the vanilla sugar and mix well again. If you need to reheat the chocolate cream, you will have to place a pan on the steam bath and continuously interfere, bringing to the desired consistency.

To prepare the raspberry cream softened butter with sugar, gradually adding pureed berries through a sieve (200 g). In the resulting mass pour all the remaining berries and gently mix. Instead, you can use raspberries chopped canned pineapple - this will give the cake a new taste.
Preparation time: 50 minutes.

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