Chocolate cake "Special"

For the base:
140 g of sugar
70 g of butter
6 eggs
140 g of chocolate
90 g flour

For the cream:
120 g of sugar
7 tablespoons of strong black coffee
150g grated chocolate
3 egg yolks
120 g butter

For the glaze:
200 g butter
40g cocoa powder
4 tablespoons strained strong coffee
200g caster sugar

Of the products made ​​according to the recipe to cook the dough, well mixed, pour it into the prepared pan and little long to bake. Chilled base cut horizontally into two layers, sandwiched with cream and zaglazirovat. Cake prepared a day before use.

To prepare the cream and sugar, black coffee to brew up to a thick syrup. Add in a lot of grated chocolate and egg yolks, then remove from heat and, still stirring, enter the warm melted butter.

To prepare the glaze rub butter with cocoa powder. Sugar Pour coffee extract and boil over high heat for about half a minute. Pour hot mixture prepared butter and stir mixture until it melted. Use warm glaze.

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